2nd Online discussion: «Weber and Nietzsche»
w. Camilla Emmenegger, Octavio Majul and Christian Marty
Mediator: Edith Hanke
Octavio Majul is a lecturer and researcher at the Gino Germani Research Institute (IIGG) of the University of Buenos Aires. His research focuses on the historical, methodological, and economic dimensions of Max Weber’s work. In 2019 he presented his master thesis «La influencia de Friedrich Nietzsche en el pensamiento político de Max Weber entre 1892-1898» [The influence of Friedrich Nietzsche on the political thought of Max Weber between 1892-1898].
Christian Marty is an independent researcher, CEO of Ed-Tech ‘Schlaufux’ and owner of ‘Schlaumacher’ tutoring school in Switzerland. His research focuses on the history of social thought and specifically on the works of Max Weber and Friedrich Nietzsche, among others. In 2020 he published the book Max Weber ein Denker der Freiheit [Max Weber. Thinker of Freedom].
Camilla Emmenegger is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Florence. Her research focuses on political and social philosphy, history of modern political thought and theories of power and obedience, revolution and political violence, among other interests. In 2020 she finished her PhD thesis «Rivoluzione del mondo. Figure della soggetivita in Max Weber tra radicalismo etico e violenza politica» [World revolution: figures of subjectivity in Max Weber between ethical radicalism and political violence].
1st Online discussion: «Weber and methodology»
w. Erik Jansson Boström and Hans Henrik Bruun
Mediator: Victor Strazzeri
Erik Jansson Boström works at the Department of Philosophy at Uppsala University (Sweden). His research area focuses mainly on the ideal type and its foundations. In May 2020 he finished his thesis dissertation: Max Weber and the necessity of ideal types [Max Weber och idealtypernas nödvändighet].
Hans Henrik Bruun is an Honorary Professor at the Department of Sociology at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark). His research area focuses on Weber and methodology with indispensable publications such as Science, values and politics in Max Weber’s Methodology (Book, 2016) or Max Weber: collected methodological writings (Book, 2013), co-edited w. Sam Whimster.