
WSN 2023/24 EVENT SERIES: Unexpected (?) affinities. Weber and the founders of Socialisme ou Barbarie

Unexpected (?) affinities. Weber and the founders of Socialisme ou Barbarie – a conversation between Yannis Ktennas (Athens) and Pedro T ...

After the talk: Max Weber and the Culture of Anarchy

After the talk: Max Weber and the Culture of Anarchy by Yannis Ktenas Let me start by saying that I ...

Sam Whimster on Max Weber and the Culture of Anarchy, 25 years later

Sam Whimster on Max Weber and the Culture of Anarchy, 25 years later By Sam Whimster Max Weber and the ...

Comments on Edith Hanke’s Four Theses: On the meaning of the concept of democracy in the late Max Weber)

Comments on Edith Hanke's Four Theses: On the meaning of the concept of democracy in the late Max Weber Sérgio ...

Weber, Kelsen, and the Rule of Law: Liberal Ideologiekritik?

Weber, Kelsen, and the Rule of Law: Liberal Ideologiekritik? Stephen P. Turner, Department of Philosophy FAO 226, University of South ...