Massimo Palma

Massimo Palma Italy – Università Suor Orsola Benincasa Research area: Political Philosophy, Philosophy of History and Literature. ‘I am very interested in Weber as a thinker of the political issues of domination, legitimacy, but also democracy, and the ruling class in the «elitist» sense. I also consider his ‘ideal type’ as a true tool to … Leer más

Matthias Lüdeking

Matthias Lüdeking Germany – Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Research area: Corporate and Commercial Law, Ethics ‘I am interested in all of Weber’s work. My approach to interpreting him is strongly influenced by the work of Wilhelm Hennis. We should do research on Weber because the study of his work offers an ongoing and inexhaustible intellectual adventure.’ Find … Leer más

Masahiro Noguchi 

Masahiro Noguchi  Tokyo – Seikei University | Munich – Die Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften Research area: Political Theory and History of Ideas ‘One fascinating dimension of Weber’s writings resides in his insightful exploration of politics through the lens of culture. The title of my first book is “Kampf und Kultur” (Struggle and Culture)’. Find my … Leer más

Sam Whimster

Sam Whimster United Kingdom – Deputy Director of Global Policy Institute, London. Research area: Weber as an economist. ‘Now we have the MWG in its totality the task is to show its explanatory value for today’s societal transformations. An interesting intellectual exercise would be to present the framework/Inhalte of the Grundriß für Sozialökonomik and try … Leer más

Chunjie Zhang

Chunjie Zhang USA – University of California, Davis  Research area: Empire and coloniality, cosmopolitanism, transculturality; Eighteenth-Century Studies; Modernist Studies; Asian-European Studies; Refugee and Migration Studies; Drama, travel narrative, and neuroplasticity. ‘Weber’s vision of an alternative rationalism and his open-mindedness toward non-European cultures are still highly relevant today. Weber’s study of world religions provides valuable insights into … Leer más

Costas Polyzos

Costas Polyzos Greece – Department of Sociology, University of Athens Research area: Social theory, Weberian sociology of religion, Weberian methodology, history and sociology of the Greek Orthodox Church, sociology of the state. I was introduced to Max Weber during my bachelor studies in sociology, as part of the standard curriculum on the sociology classics, but … Leer más

Andreas Anter

Andreas Anter Germany – University of Erfurt, Faculty of Economics, Law and Social Sciences Research area: State Theory and State Practice; Constitutional Politics; Political Theory; Max Weber’s Work and Contemporary Context. ‘Weber’s work has lost little of its appeal and validity, even though Weber’s era seems infinitely remote from today. As Ralf Dahrendorf has noted, modern Weberians … Leer más

Andrea Salvatore Cerfeda

Andrea Salvatore Cerfeda Italy – Universities of Turin and Florence. Research area: Political and social philosophy; anthropology; theory of modernity; institutional theory. ‘Studying Weber for me means primarily drawing from an extremely complex conceptual reservoir that still holds analytical and hermeneutic potential today. Therefore, the study of Weber, from my point of view, is not … Leer más

Maren Freudenberg

Maren Freudenberg Germany – Ruhr University Bochum Research area: Religion and economy, religion and modernity, Pentecostal-Charismatic Christianity, Christianity in the USA. ‘Weber laid the groundwork for many issues relevant to the sociology of religion today, such as the importance of the social forms of religion, theories of charisma and authority, comparative approaches in studying religions, and … Leer más

Mathurin Schweyer

Mathurin Schweyer France – EHESS (LIER-FYT), Goethe-Universität (Institut für Philosophie) Research area: Critical theory, Social philosophy, Philosophy of social sciences. ‘I discovered Weber in the context of my PhD in philosophy on family authority, since he is an essential reference for understanding how the state and capitalist economic structures have configured the family institution in … Leer más