Max Weber and the Culture of Anarchy
Max Weber and the Culture of Anarchy w. Sam Whimster, Lucía Pinto, Victor Strazzeri and Yannis Ktenas Mediator: Victor Strazzeri
Max Weber and the Culture of Anarchy w. Sam Whimster, Lucía Pinto, Victor Strazzeri and Yannis Ktenas Mediator: Victor Strazzeri
Democracy and the Rule of Law w. Stephen Turner and Carmen Chas Mediator: Álvaro Morcillo Laiz
Value Polytheism and Democracy w. Yannis Ktenas, Lucía Pinto and Costas Polyzos Mediator: Victor Strazzeri
Four theses on ‘Democracy’ in Max Weber’s Late Work w. Edith Hanke, Sérgio da Mata and Yves Sintomer Mediator: Victor Strazzeri
WSN EVENT #8 | Handbook Presentation: WIRTSCHAFT und RELIGION w. Maren Freudenberg, Martin Lutz and Moritz Hinsch Mediator: Aaron French
This time, Prof. Masahiro Noguchi (Tokyo) and Prof. Sérgio da Mata explore the reception of Max Weber’s speech «Politik als Beruf» with a focus on Germany, Japan and Brazil.
WSN EVENT #6 | WEBER, FINANCE and CAPITALISM w. Sam Whimster and Mischa Suter Mediator: Edith Hanke and Victor Strazzeri On this occasion, Sam Whimster and Mischa Suter explore Weber’s insights into capitalism, credit, and money, with a particular focus on his economic key works. Check out Sam’s blog post on the topic «Weber & … Leer más
WSN EVENT #5 | WEBER and BENJAMIN w. Lucía Pinto and Chunjie Zhang Mediator: Victor Strazzeri This time Lucía Pinto and Chunjie Zhang, our presenter, and discussant, respectively debate the connections between Weber and Benjamin’s work. The discussion begins with a presentation of Lucía’s article «Max Weber and Walter Benjamin» which is already posted on our blog!
WSN EVENT #4 | Max Weber’s Concept of ORDNUNG w. Andrea Salvatore Cerfeda and Prof. Andreas Anter Mediator: Yannis Ktenas Andrea Salvatore Cerfeda, who is currently working on his PhD in philosophy in Florence, elaborates on the central, though often overlooked Weberian concept of ‘order’ [Ordnung]. Prof. Andreas Anter, an expert discussant shares his view … Leer más
WSN EVENT #3 | WEBER and UKRAINE w. Pavlo Fedorchenko-Kutuev Mediators: Victor Strazzeri and Edith Hanke Prof. Pavlo Fedorchenko-Kutuev is a sociologist and political scientist based in Kyiv with over twenty years of teaching and research experience in Ukraine and overseas. Pavlo is a Professor of sociology and Sociology Department chair at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic … Leer más