Political Theory or Political Theology? Carl Schmitt’s critique of Max Weber’s Theory of the Political
We are very happy to announce our next online event!
Carl Schmitt’s short, enigmatic, influential work “Politische Theologie” (Political Theology), a highly influential contribution to the intellectual history of the 20th century, was originally published as a standalone volume in 1922. Notably, it was also published as a contribution to the first volume of a collective work commemorating Max Weber (“Erinnerungsgabe”) in 1923 under the title “Soziologie des Souveränitätsbegriffs und Politische Theologie” (Sociology of the Concept of Soverignty and Political Theology). To this day, Schmitt’s essay has motivated countless attempts at interpretation. All are based on the assumption that Schmitt is drafting a political theology, that he is writing as a political theologian. Philip Manow’s lecture develops the thesis that the small pamphlet, conversely, consists of a fundamental, if covert critique of Max Weber’s theory of politics and the political. The core of Schmitt’s critique is the proof that, with the reception of Rudolph Sohm’s concept of charisma, Weber had made a highly ideological, time-bound, polemical-confessional and, not least, Protestant concept the core of his theory of the political – with all the pernicious consequences for the theory itself. Prof. Manow will present this new interpretation of Schmitt in discussion with Pedro T. Magalhães and the moderation of Joaquín Abellán. Don’t miss this exciting new entry in our series on the Late Weber as Political Theorist on April 18th, 6pm (CET).

Join us for a conversation with Prof. Philip Manow (Gießen) in discussion with Prof. Pedro T. Magalhães (Universidade do Minho) on April 18th, at 6 p.m. (CET). Prof. Joaquín Abellán (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) will be our moderator for the evening!
In preparation of our event, Philip Manow has kindly made a chapter of the unpublished English translation of his book Nehmen, Teilen, Weiden. Carl Schmitts politische Ökonomien (Konstanz University Press, 2022) available here. As a bonus, we have also uploaded the German edition of Schmitt’s essay – including a personal note to Johannes Winckelmann.
You are welcome to post this widely and invite everyone – Weber-scholar or otherwise – to join us as well. To stay updated on the latest information about our events, be sure to follow us on Facebook! We’ll be sending more details on the events regularly.
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